P4 Sense of place


Artist Statement:

I traveled home for part of my spring break. There are many nostalgic spots I like to visit while I'm home but I settled on visiting my family's farm junk yard! While not the most safe or orthodox place to play as a kid It holds many cherished memories for me. There's a lot of machinery stored or discarded there. lots of pops of color and much of the machinery weathered or rusted. A very warm and vibrant place despite it being the resting ground for broken equipment and as well as trash. Some of this equipment has been sitting here for decades. In one of the old trucks I found my uncle's insurance card that expired 3/31/1990. As for the 5 photos I selected for this series I wanted to capture the vibrant colors that stand out among the junk. I chose to capture pops of yellow in the environment. Despite the aging and weathering of nature these pops of yellow stand out nicely among the rusted equipment. Capturing the charm and joy I find in this location. 


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